2025 Ball registration is OPEN
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Log in to your account or create a new account of you are a new player to register your player for the upcoming season
Just a reminder EAA is a no smoking facility. Smoking/e-cigs/chewing tobacco is NOT allowed on EAA property.
When exiting EAA parking lot we are asking ALL cars to turn RIGHT , you will drive up the hill, 1st road on left will lead you to Edgewood Ave. if you continue up the hill, the road will take you out to Shelby. Thank you in ...
Edgewood Diamond 1 (06:59 AM | 03/10/25)
Edgewood Diamond 2 (06:59 AM | 03/10/25)
Edgewood Diamond 3 (06:59 AM | 03/10/25)
Edgewood Diamond 4 (06:59 AM | 03/10/25)
Edgewood Diamond 5 (06:59 AM | 03/10/25)
Edgewood Diamond 6 (06:59 AM | 03/10/25)
Edgewood Diamond 7 (06:59 AM | 03/10/25)
Edgewood Diamond 8 (06:59 AM | 03/10/25)
Edgewood Athletic Association All Diamonds (06:59 AM | 03/10/25)